A couple weeks ago we went to the pumpkin patch at Irvine Park and bought our pumpkins. We picked up 3 pumpkins : a mommy pumpkin, a daddy pumpkin, and a baby pumpkin. And I completely forgot about even carving them until this weekend. At first I had wanted Mason to be involved in some way. Obviously not carving since it involves a knife, but maybe posing as I carved it? HA. Wishful thinking. Luckily it was nap time so Seth and I decided to carve the pumpkins while we had some peace and quiet. Seth started on his and I started on Mason's. Mason's was going really well and I was able to finish. My only problem was that the pumpkin was so small and I didn't cut the hole big enough so my big hand couldn't fit in it well to get the seeds out. (Too bad Mason was sleeping, his hand would have fit! HA! That would have been a MESS). Seth on the other hand was having a different problem...he broke his knife. And by knife, I mean that tiny little dinky knife that you get in those kits at Target for $5. We had ours from last year and, lesson learned, apparently they are only good for one year. Or only one year if you are an adult using it. Since Seth broke his, I said he could borrow mine. He finished his pumpkin and gave the knife back and I started carving mine and SNAP. Mine is broken. So while I would have liked my pumpkin to be a little better, I had to use a real knife so it was hard to make little cuts. Overall, I am pretty happy with how they turned out!

me carving mason's pumpkin.
mommy pumpkin.
seth's pumpkin had SO many seeds!
he was so excited about being able to roast them in the oven.
what is this thing...?
hmm...the lid comes off...
can i eat it???
what's inside?
daddy pumpkin.
mommy pumpkin.
mason pumpkin.
mickey of course :)
Happy Halloween Eve Eve!